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Turners, MO 65765


Ron Lake

Ron Lake


Oregon, USA

Ron Lake is a custom knifemaker in Eugene, Oregon. He joined the Knifemakers' Guild in 1971, and has been a full time knifemaker since 1972. He has received numerous awards, has been featured in national knife, shooting and general interest magazines, and has conducted folding knife seminars around the world. He co-authored the book How To Make Folding Knives in 1988. He was elected to the Cutlery Hall of Fame in 1998, and was labeled by sportswriter B.R. Hughes as the "Father of the Modern Day Folding Knife."

Knives made by Ron are included in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Metal Museum, the National Knife Museum and the Randall Knife Museum. He has also designed many knives for CRKT, including the lines of Thunderbolt, Sentinel, Lake 111 and Lake Bandera.